Navigating Joy Together
Navigating Joy Together
Joy Through Art with Intention with Jennifer Colombo
Jennifer Faye Colombo is a watercolor artist living in Connecticut. Her intention is to give the viewer an opportunity to tune into calm, peace and joy through her various collections. Jen is super grateful to live near the water, her happy place that influences many of her paintings. In addition to painting, Jen creates journals and card decks to support others on their journey. A Pocket Full of Joy is one of her card decks created as reminders to find joy daily including the little moments.
Her Card Deck was written by accident after writing different affirmations and reminders for herself. If she needed the reminders to tap in and tune into joy daily, then others need that too. She always thought that JOY was the bigger thing in life, like our JOYFUL occasions but there are little things throughout the day that can bring us JOY and if we take a pause and start to notice them. Some examples: noticing the dew drops on the blade of grass or a delightful conversation can add up to big JOY moments!
You could just spend a few seconds to tap into JOY.
She loves sharing her paintings with others. Sharing her art with others is how she serves others in bringing JOY into their lives.
She creates general art and personal art for people. Her work has intentions behind it. Jen always asks her clients to set an intention with her of why they want her to work with them. Setting the intentions makes a deeper, more impactful feeling for those who view the art.
One general piece of art she shares with others are her ¨Joyful Bubble¨ paintings. She receives lots of comments on how happy they make people. It brings back memories of playing with bubbles and a reminder to tune into those bubbles of joy.
She is the conduit to pass that joyful energy onto the page. Her clients and her are co-creating together even though she is the one doing the artwork.
She also creates creative exploration with others. She gets them to tap into their own creative flow. It can be artwork, or setting intentions. People find it relaxing, fun, playful and JOYFUL! Creating SHOULD be fun!
Jen always creates for herself to help her move through emotions. It is for her own pure JOY and entertainment.
How else does Jen tap into JOY when she is not in that flow?
- She pulls from her own card deck
- Painting
- Going down to the beach
- Put on music
- Dance partners
Her last piece of advice:
¨Everyday be conscious of cultivating JOY in your life.¨
Ask the question:
What brings me JOY and can I do that today?
Such a powerful conversation with Jen!
How to connect with Jen:
Drive-A-Logue link: Put NJT in the coupon box for a 20% discount!
Lauren's Book, My Dad Died From ALS and How I Found Joy 30 Years Later
*AI Transcribed*
Hello and welcome to Navigating Joy Together. My name is Lauren and I'm here with my family. Mark. Addison. Hunter and our dog Onyx. Each episode you will hear about our experiences with navigating joy together in our family, as well as tips you can bring back to your family. Thanks for spending time with us. Now let's get to it.
navigating joy together. Before we get to this week's episode I just wanted to give you a couple reminders. If you are looking for a research-based strategy to encourage meaningful conversations with your children I want you to check out Drive-A-Log. The mission of Drive-A-Log is to provide a vehicle for families across the country to have meaningful and brave conversations. You can order these decks of cards online and they come in different grade levels. There's one for grades two through five.
six through eight, nine through 12. And the benefits of these, kids are more likely to have honest conversations when they're not forced to have direct eye contact. You can make this a day-to-day conversation that's easier and provides a higher percent that your kids will talk to you when they are having challenges. The cars have questions about real life things that kids deal with, and sometimes those things are very difficult for parents to ask and start a conversation.
They also build connection and they are engaging and that conversation is proactive and they're definitely age appropriate so you just decide which deck you want. Go ahead and look on the show notes. The link is in the show notes and you can get your set of cards today. We love them. We've used them and it's just created wonderful conversations while we were driving.
You can also get a 20% discount if you put in NJT in the coupon code box. I'd love to hear what your thoughts are about them and how it works for you. The other thing I wanted to just remind you, if you haven't checked out my book that I wrote, it's on Amazon. It's a memoir called My Dad Died of ALS and How I Found Joy 30 Years Later. It's just my story about my dad being diagnosed with ALS when I was in eighth grade.
and the four years that followed up until his death and even how life transpired since his death, which has been over 30 years. It's affected me in many ways. And one thing I did learn is that we can still find joy in suffering and in grief. And it took me a while to really find that true joy. And I talk about that in the book. So go and get it, share it with one person, just one person you know who might be struggling with something or...
has a family member who may have an illness or a terminal illness, there is some value in there and I would love and be grateful if you checked it out and you shared it with one person. I know that it will impact other people and give them some hope. The link to the book you can also find in the show notes as well. All right, now we will head over to this week's episode. Our guest today is Jennifer Faye Colombo.
She is a watercolor artist living in Connecticut. Her intention is to give the viewer an opportunity to tune into calm, peace, and joy through her various collections. Jen is super grateful to live near the water, her happy place that influences many of her paintings. In addition to painting, Jen creates journals and card decks to support others on their journey. A pocketful of joy is one of her card decks.
created as reminders to find joy daily, including the little moments. I'm really excited for this conversation and you should be too. So we're just gonna get started. Here we go. Well, hi Jen. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of Navigating Joy Together. I'm excited to have a chat with you. I have to say one good thing about Facebook is the connections I've had with people in this realm and about this subject. And I have talked to countless people with amazing
information and stories and I just love hearing all these stories. So thank you for taking the time to share with us about your view on JOIN, what you do and so forth. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to be here with you and for this conversation. Great, well let's get into it. So why don't you just tell us first maybe where you live, what you do. Yeah, so I'm located in Connecticut.
I'm originally from New York, but I lived in Connecticut the last 10 years, which brings me the greatest joy because we are very near quite a few bodies of water, and that is one of my happy places. And tied into that water as well is I am an artist, and I primarily am a watercolorist, and it's something I fell in love with. Oh.
probably 25 or so years ago when I first got to experience it on the professional level. And it's been a love affair ever since. Oh my gosh, that sounds incredible. Did you go to school for art? I did. So a lot of my fine arts training actually came from high school. And I did go to school for art when I was in college, but I went for theatrical scenery design. So I was in the entertainment business for...
10 or so years before leaving to do other things and you know, you never know where a path is gonna take you and Now I'm where I am now doing artwork and commissions and all these other cool things for myself and for clients Oh my god, that sounds awesome. I have a lot of questions just about that To that leader. I love that you just talked about you're living in a place that brings you joy because of all that
that's your happy place. And I think that's really important to find that place. So if you can't get to that place, that's your happy place and live there, I'm hoping that people can find something that brings them joy in that place. But I just love how you brought that in because I think that makes a huge difference. I love the water too, although I don't know if you're talking about lakes or oceans, I'm an ocean person. Like that's my happy place. Lakes, they're fun, but they're just not the same.
Yeah, give me anybody a water I'm happy, but I am on the coast of Connecticut. So we actually, it's not really the ocean. It's the sound. We're a little bit more protected, but it does go right out to the Atlantic. So I am, I feel very, very fortunate to be 10 to 15 minutes away from multiple. Beaches. And I'm always, I'm always down at the water whenever I can, no matter what the time of year is. I go down there, even if it's raining. It's still.
a place of just pure joy for me. It really is. I can relate because that is definitely my happy place. The ocean is just amazing, amazing. We could talk about that forever too. Okay, so let's talk about when we initially connected. You mentioned that you were an artist and creator, like you just said, but you're also creator of a Joy Card deck and it is of reminders and affirmations for daily joy.
and that your attention is to tune into just little moments of joy throughout the day. So I'd love to hear a little bit about your card deck. I don't know if you have a couple of examples you can share and then some information about the little moments of joy that is your goal of tuning into throughout the day. Yeah, absolutely. So this was a deck that I had never planned on creating. This is my second card deck that I'm the artist of.
and this one I am both the artist and writer of. And I had done, I was doing some inner work, some, you know, all that good inner work and stuff. And I was doing a session around reclaiming joy. And the person I was working with had given me homework. I can't tell you what it is now, because it was like quite some time ago. It was over a year ago, close to a year and a half ago, maybe now.
And the next day I was writing and I was journaling around joy and the concept of joy. And all of a sudden after I finished writing pages after pages, I went, oh my goodness, I think I might have written a deck or at least part of one. And I had written all of these different affirmations and these reminders for myself. And I thought to myself, well, if this is supposed to become a deck and I'm supposed to share it with other people,
I'll know when the time is right. So I set it aside and months later, I got the nudge, this little creative, intuitive nudge. It's time to start painting for this joy deck. So I started doing the artwork for it. Originally it had a different plan, but then you follow the creative muse as it takes you. And I decided this is what it's gonna look like. And then I went back.
to the writing from a year prior. And thank goodness I had decided, I got the nudge ahead of time because I might have been intimidated if it went the other way first. I had written less than I had thought I had originally, but I was like, okay, I'm clearly meant to do this and share this with people. So I went and I filled in the gaps and I wrote some more to get additional cards.
And I figured if I needed the reminder to tune in and tap into joy on the daily, somebody else would benefit from this as well. And what I've learned over the years is, originally I had this idea that joy was this bigger thing, and it can be a really big thing, right? We have all of these amazing things in our lives that we celebrate, graduations, weddings.
births, all of these incredible things, which are very joyous momentous occasions. But there's all of these little things throughout the day that can bring us a moment of joy if we're willing to just take a pause and start to notice them. And that's really what I wanted this deck to be, was to be a reminder of all of those things. So for example, there's an affirmation in there of
Joy is in the small things and the big things. I choose to tune into joy. And really sitting and thinking about, well, what does bring me joy? I mentioned earlier the water, Lauren and I love the water. So we're always bringing in that ocean. But it could be a moment of me watching my dog run in the yard. It can be a moment of noticing.
the dew drops on the blades of grass and the sun sparkling off of them. It could be having a delightful conversation like we're having right now. All of these tiny little moments add up to really big things of joy. Oh my gosh, I love that. You said so much that I wanna go back to. So is this your second deck or your first deck?
This is the second deck that I've created. Okay. And I love how you use the word at the very beginning of your story. Your homework, I think you said was set out for you to reclaim joy. I love the word reclaim because- Which is the card in the deck. I mean, that's- I reclaim my joy. That is powerful. I mean, just seeing that, if I saw that, if I pulled that, I have to get the deck. All right. If I pulled that out, I mean-
I'm smiling right now. To me, that just means so much, just that piece there, just that word. I mean, I think that's such a powerful word. You're taking control, right? That's telling me to take control. I'm gonna take control of my life right now in this moment, and I'm gonna reclaim my joy. And just all those awesome intentions and reminders would be so good. I've talked a few times with other people just about, just like you said, noticing, just.
Put your eyes up and notice. It doesn't matter where you live, where you're at. There are things around that can create joy in an instant if you need that little uplift. And some people might need a little bit more support, and it sounds like your deck of cards are pretty powerful for that. Yeah, they are there to serve as a beautiful little reminder for people, whether they're in a joyful mood at the moment when they pick a card or...
they're feeling a little down and this gives them that little bump of like, Oh, wait a minute, hang on. Let me pause for a second. There is joy that happened to me today. Let me just like take stock of what is that? It could even be too, as simple as like enjoying your garden or cooking a meal and all of these things throughout the day. Yeah. And I think
if we are noticing those things throughout the day, then we have to mentally put ourselves in that moment. Because I know just from my experience and then other people I've talked with, I think if I'm not gonna feel that joy if I'm still thinking about tomorrow's issue that's gonna be coming up because I know something's gonna happen, but yet I'm trying to tune into the butterfly on the flower. But I think that helps remind us.
to just take a breath. Like you said, take a breath, stop. I mean, it could be a few seconds and notice what it is that you're noticing and just let your body feel that way and just be in the moment. So yeah, cooking dinner, just enjoy it. I just am very huge proponent of really trying to stay in that moment. And it's not easy by any means to get us into the moment. We have so many things going on in our lives every single day.
and all these different things we're thinking of. So it's hard to get there, but I think it makes a huge difference. For sure. And I think you said it right. It it it can be difficult to do that. And I think with practice, it gets easier. And for me personally, and I'm sure many people can relate to this, it is a practice that I've had to cultivate, right, to get present, to remember, to breathe, to go, oh, wait a minute. I'm outside. There's a beautiful moment happening happening right now.
let me take this in, because we can rush, rush, rush, rush, rush. And it really is a practice of slowing down. And whether you're tuning into joy or gratitude, and I think a lot of times they overlap or tuning into peace and calm. Those overlap for me, too, as well, a lot with joy. It's a matter of noticing, becoming aware and really.
mindfully and consciously being like, I'm going to take this moment. Even if like you said, it's just a few seconds. It doesn't have to be this five or 10 minute thing. It could really just be this little moment, this little instance. Yeah, definitely. And yep, I think you hit on the nail. It's the practice, right? Just learning to become conscious about it in the practice. Okay. So was there a personal experience in your life that has led you down this path to...
share these tips about joy with other people? Or is it just something you feel like you were meant to do? Yeah, so painting is also one of my biggest forms of joy. So I love being able to share that with others. And for me, I think it's just sharing parts of my own journey and things that have helped me. And usually if I'm creating
a product or part of a collection, it starts out for me to be a reminder for me. But I know that my job is to share it with others so it could be of service. And that really brings me a lot of joy to see people or I don't see a lot of the people that get to enjoy my stuff. But those that I do get to see because people will tag me in things of
hard pulls or journals or my artwork or any sort of thing like that. And that's really cool to me that I get to serve in that way. And you know, I had tools and things to help me, so I'm thrilled to be able to share things with others that might be helpful to them. Yeah. And you said something that was actually really interesting because you said there's many people who...
take your work and you don't really get to see how that brings joy to them because you might not know them or you might not ever see them. And I think that's really fascinating because I think, I mean, and I think internally, you just know what it does for them. And so that still probably brings you joy, right? Internally, you just don't really probably get that follow up from a lot of people, except for what you had talked about where you might see somebody post something. Yeah.
Not necessarily, but I know that I'm part of a ripple. I just don't get to see all of the rings in the ripple. I get to see a small portion of the ripple. And the ones that I do get in on, like makes me so happy to see people enjoying the things that I create. Yeah, and I'm sure that just kind of reminds you that even the ones you don't see that people are still enjoying, you know, what you create. Yeah.
Do you have a favorite something that you've created for people, like something generally, or is everything really personal that you create for people? That's such a good question. So I have general things that I create, but I also create personally for people as well. I do a lot of commission work. And I'll share that because, well, all of my work has intention behind it.
But when I get to work with somebody one-on-one and they're asking me to create something for them, whether it's a product for their business, which I've done, or I'm creating a painting for their home, I always ask them to set an intention for me to work with. And I wanna know why they want me to create this thing for them. So for example, several years ago, someone came to me and asked me to paint.
off of some photographs that they had of their favorite place. It's a place that their family goes on vacations every single year. And it's quite a large painting and it hangs in their dining room. And she tells me when I see her, how much joy it brings to the family and everybody that comes over because it is such a special place in their hearts. And it's created.
Memories over and over again. So every time they go and walk into that room in their house they get reminded of all of that beautiful family time together the memories that were created this place that really really brings them joy and That makes me so happy. So I always want to know When I'm doing custom work what someone's Deep intention is like why it's not just because you like my work, right?
Right. Most people come to me because they want a more depth than that, whether they know it or not, what they're getting into. And I ask them to set those intentions. It just makes a deeper, more impactful, more empowering experience for those viewing it.
That is so powerful. I mean, I'm just trying to visualize it. It just gave me chills when you told me, like, when people walk into that room and that family walks into that room, I can only imagine what they feel. And what an incredible thing to just bring in that joy. I mean, those are the things, I think, the memories, you know, that we have in those pictures are the things that can bring us that really intense deep joy. And then when it's...
produced into something like that, that's seen every single day. Like how could you not be happy in that house? Or how could you say unhappy in that house? That would be such a great thing just to go to. That is so cool. I'd love to see that. So was it a watercolor? That one was not a watercolor. It was not water coloring that large at that time. Um, but now now I am water coloring extremely large. So
I was an acrylic one, but even when I'm creating collections that are just for, not just for sale, but that somebody's not asking me to create that are available for purchase, I always have an intention behind them. And I have one collection that some of the work is actually on the Joy Deck, the cards. It's all bubbles. I don't know why it was just that came in. It was like bubbles, like bubbles like when you're a kid and you're
blowing bubbles, it's very nostalgic, it's very joyful. They're magical, like they have all of these beautiful things. So some people also own a bunch of my bubble paintings, we're called Joyful Bubbles. And I get comments that like, it just makes them so happy. They're all bright, beautiful colors and like just very vibrant. And...
it makes people very happy to have them. It reminds them of their childhood. If you were born in the 80s, there's definitely some that have those neon vibes going on and can bring you right back to that. But it is also a reminder to tune in to those moments of joy because they are fleeting, just like a bubble. Well, right? It's there and it's gonna disappear. So it's, can you...
tap into and appreciate and grab those moments while we have them. Right. I want to see that painting. Joyful bubbles. Oh my gosh. I'm going to have to look at that and see if I can find a... I want one of those. I'm going to look at that. That is so creative. I mean, seriously, bubbles. Like anytime you see kids playing with bubbles, the joy is unbelievable. It doesn't matter how many times they've done it, right?
and every bubble is just cool and different and when they pop or they don't pop or you know how long they float that is so cool. Well the intention piece I love because you're really tapping in to help them make it personal, right? I mean that's the point of art I would think especially if you're getting a custom art piece is it should be personal and make you feel good. I think so. I mean you know of course I've been asked to do things too
I'm being more mindful of what is already in existence in terms of color palettes and things like that, especially for places of business. But that intention component is still always there. And the reason why I love doing this with clients too is because I see myself as the conduit, that's my function. Like I'm the conduit for that intention, that energy, that creativity to pass through me and onto the page.
And when I ask people to set an intention, they become part of my creation process. We are co-creating together, even though I am the one physically doing the painting and the artwork. And I think that that's really cool and very special. And that makes me so happy. And I know it makes my clients very happy. Oh my gosh, definitely. I love all this. Where my next question was about how you incorporate joy into what you do with others and how it helps them. And we just talked.
about that. Was there anything else that, I'm kind of curious if there's just anything else that was, has been really unique or different you've done with people that has brought, you know, joy to them? Yeah, so I do also do create what I call creative explorations with people, where I work one on one with people, both in person and virtually.
I get them to tap into their own creative flow. And it's not actually about creating a piece of artwork that you're gonna hang on the wall, not necessarily. It is more about setting intentions and people find it very relaxing, but a lot of people find it very fun, joyful and playful. I bring a very different perspective and elements to that creative process when I'm working with them one-on-one. Because to me,
creating should be fun. It can be fun. It gets to be fun. And a lot of people walked away from that or they hadn't painted or drawn or anything like that since they were a kid. And it really is getting to tap into that wonderment and that joy of a child where you don't really care what people think. You're just having fun with the colors in front of you and you're not worrying about...
what it looks like or anything else like that. And for me personally, I mean, it is one of my favorite things to get to witness. It's indescribable being able to like witness people tapping in to that joy, to that flow, to give them self permission to have fun. And they're having fun too, but I'm not sure if it's more fun for them or more fun for me. It might be a tie. Yeah, I mean, I could see how that would be fun.
for you for sure. Well, there's two things that I thought of when you were saying that. So at the beginning, I'm a teacher and at the beginning of our school year, we did a little workshop with an improv company, a local improv company. And it was really cool because they did a little performance for us. And then we was split into groups and they teach us a game and everybody, they enforce you to do it, but everybody get up there. But they talked about, it's just fun.
Don't worry about what people think. Everyone's doing it, just have fun. And it really hit hard for me because I've seen this group perform on stage several times locally. They do a lot of local improv shows. And I always said to myself, man, it'd be so cool to be able to do that. I could never do that. Because they sound really smart. And the things that they say on a last minute basis, I'm like, how would they even think of that? But when I did these little workshops with them,
And I just told myself, just to have fun, don't judge myself. It's not about what I know or if I think I can be funny or not just have fun. And it really changed the way I was able to get up there in front of my colleagues and these people who are professionals at it and just do something. And there are some laughs and, you know, and it was just, it was really fun. And that's what one of the guys kept saying. This is just for fun. We're just out here having fun.
and it made a huge difference. For sure. And people sometimes find this surprising, but I do create for myself just for pure fun or just to move through emotions. It's not work that you see for me that I show or that I sell or that I create for other people. It is truly for my own pure joy and entertainment. Yeah, and that's...
for yourself, right? Yeah. And so that actually leads into my next question, which is when you find yourself maybe not in that space, because we all have those moments, right? Do you use your card deck? Do you just go to paint? What are the strategies you put into place to find those little pieces of joy or just maybe even the bigger parts that lift you up? Yeah, well, I do several things and sometimes they can be in combination.
So yes, I do pull from my own car deck. Usually it's the message I don't want to hear, but need to hear, which is hilarious because I'm like, but I created you. Well, no matter what deck it is, it's always what I need to hear. That's the universe speaking to you. Yep. Yep. Painting is always one of my go tos or going down to the beach. But I also pull music in. So if I'm kind of in a funk or I'm just like, oh.
boy, like today's a tough day. I will go and put on music, I will put on a playlist, all the different songs that make me, no matter what kind of mood I'm in, make me wanna get up and dance and will like start to just bump, even if it's just a tiny bit, just start to elevate my mood and then usually painting comes into play too.
Oh yeah, dancing around maybe while you paint. Exactly. A hundred percent dance parties happen in my studio. Um, totally have done that with clients as well. Have a dance party, paint party, combining them. Fun. Well, I have believed 100% that music and nature are two of the easiest things that can lift you up from.
any kind of feeling you're having. I mean, and some things don't go away or even grief or like those are all deep, deep struggles that we have. But I do believe in that moment. If you need that uplift, I have those two, music and nature are the two that are, I think, the easiest and simplest. And both easy to access. Yeah, exactly. You can access them from anywhere, anywhere.
I'm looking at your studio and I'm just trying to visualize you having your dance party in there. I love it. This has been such a great conversation. There's so much that I think listeners can take away and I just it's really enlightening. So thank you. I don't think I've talked with somebody who has been in the art realm like you have and so I just loved hearing how you incorporate all this and that your focus is with joy within your art, within your clients.
I think it's just very fascinating and thank you for doing what you do. I think you are really changing lives of people, you know, through your art and I think that's incredible. Oh, thank you so much. It was a joy to be here with you. Well, thank you. Do you want to share, I'm going to ask you in a minute any last thing you want to say, but before I do that, do you want to share how people can find you? Sure. So you can find me. I know Lauren's going
the notes. You can find me on my website, which is You can find me on Facebook. I mostly hang out on Instagram. And if you love the water, you're definitely going to want to follow me because in addition to sharing my artwork, I'm always sharing little salty sparkly vibes from when I go on my beach walks. And on Instagram, I'm jenfayeart.
Okay, thank you. I'm going to follow you because I definitely want to see all that. And I'm going to look for the joyful bubbles and I'm definitely going to look for your card deck as well. Is there any last thing you would like to share with the listeners before we get off? Yeah, go ahead. If you are not doing this already, cultivate that joy and you can start by asking yourself a question during the day, in the morning when you get up, or at the end of the day.
What brings me joy and can I do that today? And again, it can be as simple as, I'm gonna spend five minutes outside. I'm gonna go read for 10 minutes, whatever it is, and just start to really pay attention and notice those little moments that start to occur on a daily basis. And it will get much, much easier to start spotting them and finding them. I love how you added the action step question after that.
Because I think that's where that takes place, right? Is actually doing the action. We could say, what's going to find joy for me today, you know, or however we want to say it. You said it really well. But then what's that? What can, how can I do that? Right? Because it's kind of on us really. Like we can let ourselves just stay in that. Bummer negative space, or we could lift ourselves up. Right? So that's a great, great action step question. I love that. Thank you for sharing that.
Well, thank you, Jen, so much for your time this evening or later evening or early night for you. I really, really appreciate it. And I'm glad I know it's been a long time since we've been trying to get together and I appreciate your patience. And I'm so glad that we've had this conversation. Thank you. All right. Have a good rest of your night.
Well, I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Jen. It was so enlightening. I probably say that with every person I interview, but it truly was. Everybody has their own version of joy and how they tap into it and how they support others in tapping into it. And Jen has been the first person that I have talked with who is in the art field. And I love all of the ways she supports her clients in creating joy.
from the incredible picture she painted for the family on their place that they go together, hanging on the wall. That just gives me goosebumps. To the Joy Bubble paintings, which I think I have to look at those and get my hands on one of those. And of course her car deck. What a great reminder of tapping into the little moments of joy every single day. And sometimes we just need a little support and there's nothing wrong with that,
if we're really in a low spot, it's hard to pull ourselves up without any support. So take a look at all that information. You can find all her contact information in the show notes where you can get your hands on her card deck or look at any of her work or connect with her and maybe find a way for her to capture.
your intention and love and living for joy into art for you. I would love to hear what you took away in this episode on joy and using art to create joy. Please email me at lauren at You can find me on Instagram at lauren'sdailyjoy or you can find me on Facebook at lauren goldman
Did you enjoy your time with us today? If you did, please give us a review on Apple Podcasts. Your review will make navigating joy together much more fun and we would be truly grateful if you would share this with others who you know would gain value from our podcast. Thank you again and we look forward to sharing our next episode with you in two weeks.