Navigating Joy Together

How To Have A Positive Mindset With Jason Wolbers

Lauren, Mark, Addison, and Hunter Raymond Season 2 Episode 50

In this episode, I interview Jason Wolbers. Jason is a successful business owner, husband, dad, positive influencer, and author of the book The Power of a Positive Mindset! His purpose is to help people to develop and maintain a more positive mindset and all around outlook in life!

Jason shares how he grasped onto this positive lifestyle after being anxiety ridden for many years when he was younger.  He also shares his inspiration for his book and how he supports others in living a more positive, joyful, life.

A lot of what Jason talks about are things I believe in and have even practiced myself.  But it is always great to hear it again as it reminds us of things we might not being doing currently or have let slip away.

 How to connect with Jason:




Book: The Power of a Positive Mindset: Transform Your Mind Transform Your Life

Drive-A-Logue link: Put NJT in the coupon box for a 20% discount!

Lauren's Book, My Dad Died From ALS and How I Found Joy 30 Years Later



*AI Transcribed*

Hello and welcome to Navigating Joy Together. My name is Lauren and I'm here with my family. Mark. Addison. Hunter and our dog Onyx. Each episode you will hear about our experiences with navigating joy together in our family, as well as tips you can bring back to your family. Thanks for spending time with us. Now let's get to it.

and welcome back to Navigating Joy Together. Before we get to this episode, I just wanted to remind you if you have not...

game Drive-A-Log, go to the link in my show notes and check it out. It's an awesome game for parents to play with their children while driving a car. There are three different decks with different age groups associated with them and there's some wonderful questions that you can ask your children and even your children can ask you as a parent to initiate awesome positive dialogue with each other. We know that that tends to lack these days.

and it's a great thing to do in the car. So check it out, you can also get a 20% discount if you add in the code NJT in the coupon box. So go check that out, enjoy it, it's a great game. Also, if you haven't checked out my book, My Dad Died from ALS and How I Found Joy 30 Years Later, you can find that on Amazon. The link is also in the show notes and it's just my quest on.

how I found joy 30 years after I lost my dad. Now I'd like to introduce to you the guest that I will be chatting with on today's episode. Jason Wolbers is a successful business owner, husband, dad, positive influencer, and author of the book, The Power of a Positive Mindset. His purpose is to help people to develop and maintain a more positive mindset and all around outlook in life. This was such a great conversation.

I learned a lot from Jason. We have some similar things that we do in our lives, but he definitely had some other great ideas and he is really out on a journey on helping others live the most positive life possible. So enjoy this conversation and here we go. Jason, thank you so much for joining me today on this week's episode of Navigating Joy Together. I'm really excited that we connected and excited to chat with you.

about your life and how you use joy in your life. So if you want to start first, if you would like to share a little bit about yourself and then we can get into the questions. Absolutely. Well, I'm originally from the state of Iowa and I moved to Indiana for a career and then I moved to Ohio for that same career. So now my family and I are in Ohio, but I've been in sales.

my entire adult life. I started in sales when I was 18 years old and I'm 47 now. I work for myself, I'm self-employed, but it's through a company, a supplier basically, we buy the products and resell them. I've been doing the same thing since I was 18 years old. And that's kinda how I got into the motivational realm of life is because I learned a long time ago that in order to be a salesperson or a successful salesperson or a business owner, the attitude was gonna be everything.

And that's kind of how I got my start in personal development and, you know, being a joyful person, you know, really I realized that if I'm not full of joy, I'm not going to have full pockets. A lot of people believe that I think in sales that definitely is a common belief and I think it holds true for sure. It does for sure. Yes. Anything else before we get into it?

My beautiful wife, her name's Tara. We've married 25 years. We have two adults. I, you know, I'd say we have two kids, but they're adults, they're 24 and 22, and they're doing great in life too. We've taught them a lot of the principles that we live by and they follow those principles and do pretty well. But yeah, we're excited about life. We're happy. We hire different people in our business and we teach them the principles that we believe in. And it's really worked well for not only us, but it's, we've been able to multiply it and help other people. We're trying to spread.

Spread a message of positivity every single day. That's kind of what my wife and I are all about. Gosh, that's awesome. Your household must be really fun. It is. It is a fun place to live in our, actually our office is a fun place to work too. Oh, that's so great. So you guys obviously work together. We do. She's the in-house accountant, and then I take care of overseeing general management of the team. And then we have a couple of managers that help with everything else. But yeah, she's super positive.

And she brings a smile in with her every day that lights up the room. And you know, it's just, we're a good team. We work well together. Always have. That's so great. You guys can do that together. It sure is. So when we initially connected and you reached out, you said, and you just said this in your intro a little bit that you are full of joy, so I'd like to unpack that a little bit and tell us a little bit about what you mean by you're full of joy. Yeah, that's a good question. And I'm happy that you're asking that. Because I wasn't.

always full of joy. You know, like I've had ebb and flow in my life, Lauren, just like you probably have in your life, right? And just like every listener that's listening to this or ever will has had in their life. So I want to start with that. If right now you're listening to this and you're not really full of joy and you're feeling down and out, you might be in a real bad spot in your life as a matter of fact. And that may be why this podcast caught your attention because you were like, Hey, I need to learn how to get full of joy.

Don't beat yourself up. That's the first thing I wanted to say about joy. I do believe there's a difference between joy and happiness, okay? I feel like joy is like a deep, deep down thing. And I personally have found a lot of joy in my relationship with God, my relationship with my family, and my business, and my friends. So joy can be brought into your life in many different ways, but I think you have to find a balance in your life to get that true joy.

happiness to me is a day to day process. You know what I mean? You're gonna be happy one day and not happy the next, but joy when you really find it and you really get it deep down in your heart, you can be a little bit unhappy honestly and still have the joy. And that's that that's that came with just a long time of

First of all, just believing that God can bring me through anything because, you know, we've all been through trials and tribulations in our lives. And I do trust in God, and I do believe that that is where my true deep joy comes from, okay? But then other things in life have just aligned because of I followed through. Like, I wanted to be joyful, not just happy. So I started reading. You know what I'm saying? Like, The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins is an amazing book.

It's books like that that will help you to develop the mindset that you need to have that joy, to have that joy deep down. Like you're just, you're joyful whether you're happy or not, right? It becomes a way of life. But if you are down, if you're down in the dumps right now and you're not feeling great about your life, just understand it is a day-to-day process at first. Joy doesn't come

it just doesn't slam at you and hit you overnight. It's something that you do have to work at. You do have to consistently put in positive daily habits that will just slowly but surely get you to where you want to be with regard to happiness and joy. I hope that made sense. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And you said a couple of things that I am in 100% belief when you said you can be unhappy and still be in joy. I really believe that even if we're going through grief.

we can still have that joy and find that joy. But when you said you have to work at it, I've always talked about and believed that it's a conscious effort. Like you really have to be conscious at how you're going to locate that joy during the day or during the night or just throughout your life, even during those trials and tribulations. And it's not always easy to do that by any means, but I love that you talked about starting to make those daily habits.

Because when they become a habit, then we're used to it. And then when we're used to how that joy feels, then we can probably implement that more in our lives. That's right. About the only time I don't feel joy now, honestly, is if I'm physically not feeling good. Like just literally, like I have the flu, or I have a really bad cold. Those moments don't necessarily feel joyful. But outside of that, as long as I'm physically feeling pretty decent, I am a joyful person. It's right there.

I got to dig down deep on them days where I'm like under the weather though. Those are tough ones. So I like to, I like to share things like that with people so that people don't feel abnormal if you know what I mean? You're not, it doesn't, it doesn't mean like every single second of every single day is going to feel that way. It just means that overall, man, you come right back to it. So would you say then that it's important to.

And you kind of alluded to this, but I just want to clarify. It's important to accept the feelings that you have, but then we don't want to sit in it for that long, right? So maybe having some strategies that can help you relieve those feelings and get back to that joy. 100%, you just nailed it. You're going to go there. Your mind is constantly going to think whether you like it or not, right? Our minds are constantly going. They're going to go down rabbit holes sometimes.

Okay, we're going, even when we're positive people full of joy, we're still going to have those moments where we, our mind just starts to subconsciously drift off into something that is not joyful. It's catching yourself and going, wait a minute. No, that's not me. That's not how I think. That's not positive. That's not going to get me where I want to go. And in my book, I call that changing the channel. Like you start to think a negative thought and you start catching yourself and it's hard at first, but it becomes easier.

as you train your mind to catch those negative thoughts. Yes, and I read that part and it reminds me a lot of, I don't know if you followed Gabby Bernstein or not, she's super spiritual, but she talks about choose again. So when I read that part in your book about changing the channel, she says, just choose again if you notice that you're having those thoughts or those negative thoughts, choose again and think of something that does make you really happy and you're grateful for and joyful for.

you know, do that mental mind shift. So I loved that chapter. It resonated with me big time. Yeah, that's something that I've learned too. The change the channel is just what I call it. She calls it choose again, right? Yeah. Mel Robbins, she calls it the five second rule. I mean, that five second rule is basically the same thing. It's basically you say five, four, three, two, one, boom. You get on with your life, you know, like that's her thing. And it's really, that's a cool concept too. But I'm glad you brought that. What's her name again?

Uh, Gabby Bernstein. Check her out. I like stuff like that. Sure. But no, it is about making a conscious decision to just not stay there. You said that before. You can't stay there. If you stay there, you're going to continue down the rabbit hole and it is not going to be fun. Right. Agreed. Okay. So you mentioned this before, when you started to talk about joy that you weren't always like this.

Are you open to sharing your past and kind of where you were at and how you were able to shift into this more joyful life of being full of joy? I am willing to share that. Yeah, for sure. Basically, when I was a young man, I got into sales and I started working. And I was working with my mom and dad, actually. My parents are still in the same business that I am. We work separately, but still in the same business. I have my own dealership, they have their own dealership, but I was working for them for five and a half years. And I was doing really, really well. And I was...

Kind of king of the world when it came to sales, I was kicking everybody's butt, doing really good. Everybody was like, oh my God, this guy's so good at this, you know, getting all this praise. All of a sudden I became, I was still really good at it, but I kind of stepped down a couple of notches and that really worked on my psyche. It was like, you go from being number one salesperson in the world to being three, then four, then five, then six, and you know, not able to keep those numbers quite as high as you used to. It just started working on my psyche. And then what ended up happening is this.

This anxiety, it would start with stress with me. I would get stressed out. And then what ended up happening to me two different times in my life is the stress got really bad. And then it led to this big A word called anxiety. And then that A word leads to a D word that's called depression. And so what happened to me is the first time it was more business related, just like, it was still, it was just an internal fight that I was having, right?

life was changing. I was very young when we got married. My wife and I got married very young. She had just turned 21 and I was 20, 21. Yeah, we were both 21 when we got married. And then we had kids almost right away. You know, so I'm 22 years old. I'm a dad. I got two kids. I'm in a commission only job. I don't sell. I don't feed my kids. And I'm not complaining about that. I wouldn't have it any other way, but that was very stressful during those times in my life. And

To top it all off, I wasn't very good with money back then, Lawrence, so I made plenty, but I spent more than I made. You see what I'm saying? So I was always broke, and that just led to lots of undue, it was like, it was a lot of self-induced stress, honestly. But then I just, I didn't know what it was, I didn't know how to deal with it, I wasn't reading at the time, and that would lead into the anxiety, and then I had true anxiety, very bad. I mean, there were times in my life, it was clinical for sure, but I wasn't going to the doctor.

And then that would lead to depression and it will every single time It will always anxiety will lead to depression if you don't get it under control I can I can promise you that and that's what would happen to me and that happened to me twice in my life And finally my wife just came to me the second time around she'd already been dealing with it I fought it and she said you have to do something about this

you have, she didn't threaten me, she didn't make, you know, she wasn't saying she was leaving or anything like that. But you know, she, it got to the point where she was like, Jason, this is affecting all of us and you have got to get help. And so I did. And I never, I personally never had to take medicine. I, I used mindset and all kinds of things like that. Lots of reading. I went through a program for stress and anxiety and it really worked for me, but I had to make a concerted effort. So

That's when I, I'm telling you right now, I had zero joy in my life at that time. It was, I was an empty pit. It was bad. And then you were just able to turn the round, turn that around. And I'm sure the impact that had on everybody in your family was pretty, um, I mean, like traumatic initially during that whole time, but then to see you transform into that whole other realm and the other side, I'm sure created a lot more joyful energy within the home as well. What's funny is I'll make this quick, but

When I was 18 years old and I first got into sales, a good friend of my dad who was in the same business with us gave me an audio series called The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. Okay, well I listen, I mean I wore those things out. I listened to that so many times. And what's fun and what's awesome is even though I allowed myself to go against that principle for a while in my life and it started to work. See that principle that you become what you think about that works for the bad side too. Well, that's what happened to me.

I knew better, but I still went down there. And, but that's ultimately, that's what saved me both times is that mindset of just knowing that deep down inside, knowing that, okay, I can change this. I just have to find the right resources, use those resources, start thinking differently. And that's exactly what happened to me. I found the resources. I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, found the resources, used them, and changed that thought pattern. And that's what changed my life.

That's so great. Did you find that your children and your wife kind of jumped on board with you and kind of did the same thing or tried to follow suit? Well, definitely, but my wife, the thing about my wife that's awesome is even in my worst moment, she stayed strong. Like she's, she always believed that too. Like she listened to that series too. And she was, she became later in life really big into the secret, Robin Byrne's book, The Secret and the movie, The Secret.

and she got all of us watching that too and that kind of helped all of us too but she's always been it's interesting because she's always been kind of positive by nature and I literally this is it's hard for people to believe that know me but I was always kind of more pessimistic by nature it took nurture for me to become a positive person where for her she would she would tell you it comes more natural to her to just think positive so

I think she was just like, man, I'm going to lose my positivity if you don't start changing, you know what I mean? But yes, when I changed, because I was the leader in the home, I am the leader in my home. That's kind of just the way we, that's just our set up, how we have it. And so when the leaders acting like that, the followers, you know what I'm saying? Not that they're my followers, but you get my point. It's just a figure of speech. So as I went, they kind of started feeling those feelings too, you know, it wasn't a real positive environment.

So she basically told me, we're going to, this is going to be a positive environment again. You know, I want, I want our kids to be raised in a positive environment, not seeing their dad have an anxiety attacks every third day, you know? Yeah. That's awesome. Well, thank you for sharing that. I'm sure there's a lot of people who can relate and resonate with, with that. And hopefully they're

find some inspiration or value in this to help them move forward on the positive note. What are just some things, I know there's a lot that you do, but just generally on a daily basis, what do you do to kind of keep that joy alive or get into the joy if you're kind of feeling you're getting out of it or just what's natural now for you, I guess, too? Yeah. Probably the first thing I would say is gratitude.

Like, and this is something my wife really preaches hard in our home. And you know, we, I've told you this before, but our faith, we do believe in God. And so I, I give them my thanks to God. Like I'm very appreciative of the things that I have now, like everything. I'm talking about that next breath of air. I do not take that for granted. I lost my brother on Thanksgiving day, 2022 to a massive heart attack. He was here one minute, gone the next.

I am so thankful for the time I had with him, but I'm so thankful for every breath of air. And I was before that. You know, I'd already had that mindset, but even since then, it just hits you even harder. Like life is precious. We have to, I mean, I wanna wake up and I wanna think happy thoughts. I wanna think about, I wanna be like, I'm so thankful for my truck. I'm so thankful for this bottle of water that I'm drinking right now. I mean, little, the little things that ultimately, Lauren, aren't they really the big things?

Yes, they are. Like the sun in the sky. The grass is starting to green up where I live. I don't know about you, but we've had a weird winter. It's like getting nicer already. It's like just I would say if I could give you one answer to that question, it would be give thanks for what you already have. If you want more, be thankful, give thanks to God and just in general, just be thankful about what you already have. Yeah, that's so.

powerful because everybody I've talked to and I've always believed that too. That's the main thing that they talk about is gratitude and sometimes it's hard to reach into we've had kind of a tumultuous winter and about some things happening and you know I just would tell my kids but look at what we have like it's been hard and it's traumatic and it's okay to feel this way and feel upset and sad and you know whatever but also

Just keep reminding yourself too, like this is what we have and we are so grateful for this and that. And it really is powerful. I mean, some people do make that list all the time or some people will just think about it in their head or say it out loud or whatever it is that helps. I, my kids, when they were younger, we would go to school and they would fight. We have like 10 minute drive to school and they would get, they would be fighting out the door and I'd be like, okay, everyone's quiet.

And for 10 minutes, nobody's saying a word and you both have to look out the window. And by the time we get to school, you have to tell me three things you see that you are grateful for. I would make them do that. And you could just feel like the energy, the negative energy just be like, just kind of like drain out of the car. And they would just like really take note of what they saw in front of them. And it did help tremendously. Gratitude is a powerful tool. And finish up on that, on your question. A couple things that I do.

And this is a plug for Kristen Butler. I love Kristen Butler. I don't know if you know who she is. She's the power of positivity. She started the power of positivity. She's got over 50 million followers on her social media, like with all of it. She is a phenomenal person, but she wrote a journal called the Happiness Journal. And I use it and so does my wife and so does everybody that we know because we've given a copy to everybody that we love pretty much, or at least anybody that's in our daily lives because we want them doing it too.

It's called the happiness journal. And it's not, I'm not really giving her a plug. I mean, it's going to end up being that way and people will probably buy it because of this, but that works. It's a morning intentions and an evening reflections. And it takes literally three minutes to fill out the morning and three minutes to fill out the evening. And without getting into detail, it's a gratitude journal basically. And it kind of sets your day in motion and it closes out your day and it forces you to remember what's good in your life. So that is an action step I take every morning and every evening.

is I do take that thing serious and I fill it out every day. Even if I feel like I'm crunched on time, I still make the time. Because I just remind myself, this is three minutes. So that is an action step that I take. And then one more thing, there's three positive affirmations in there. I do positive affirmations every day, on and off all day long. I tell myself who I am and what I wanna be. So awesome. I'm totally gonna look her up and look at that. She's good.

She wrote another book called the comfort zone too. And then she has another journal. So she has three publications now. Okay. I'm going to check her out. That sounds so fantastic. I mean, that's just the best way to start your day and end your day. I mean, you don't want to start your day in that negative space and you don't surely don't want to go to bed in that space. For sure. Yes. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. You're welcome. Thank you for allowing me to share that. It's just, it's something that really does work for me. So I thought I was like, I need to share that.

And it's only, I think it's like $17 to buy one. It's not very super expensive or anything either. That's great. Okay, I'm gonna look for that. Okay, so how do you go about sharing this way of life with others and helping them learn how to be more full of joy? Well, I'm one of those people that I'm pretty outgoing. So I'll share it with anybody within a year shop basically, like over at the office. I mean,

We talk about these kinds of things all the time. Like, you know, not only do we teach our people how to sell better and how to make phone calls better and whatever they're doing and do their job better, but we teach them more deeply rooted things, like, you know, how to have a positive mindset and, uh, you know, how to develop and maintain positive daily habits that will lead to more success in business. So we teach the people that are within our, within our small group. We definitely teach it all the time, but then I have, uh,

Facebook page called Jason Wolbers Motivation, Instagram Jason Wolbers Motivation and TikTok. And I make short videos to just, I mean like 10, 12 seconds like, hey, in the comments, you know, tell me something that happened positive today. People aren't used to that and then they do, they comment something nice. But I use social media definitely for sure. And then of course I wrote the book to try to reach more people with the positive message. But the basic gist is, I'm just not afraid to put myself out there and I'm not afraid to like,

you know, make a short video or make a short post on Facebook or Instagram or wherever. And just I'll just I just kind of share it with as many people as I possibly can. And when I'm interacting in my daily life, like I've given away hundreds of books, hundreds of books, my books only been published for like eight, nine months, and I've given away hundreds of copies. So if somebody smiles at me at Tim Hortons when I'm getting my coffee, I'll go back to my office or my house and take it to him.

I've been able to share it. The book's been a big help for me because I'm able to just say, hey, look, read this, it will help you. Okay, well leading into that's the perfect segue into the book. So, um, the the power of mindset. Thank you. I was gonna say the power of positivity. And I was like, wait a minute, that's somebody else's Kristin's social. Yeah, it's the power of mindset. That's correct. Yeah. So tell us the inspiration and motivation for writing that book. And maybe

I'm sure people have had great success using that book. And if you have a story or something to share about that. Yeah, I can share with you. Basically the, the reason I wrote the book is day 36 kind of speaks for the reason that I wrote the book. Day 36 is titled you matter. And the reason I wrote the book is because

Well, first of all, I started thinking about all this positivity and I mean, I had already changed my own life and I started thinking about trying to help other people during COVID to be honest with you. That's when this, all of this Jason Wolbers motivation stuff was birthed because our governor shut us down. So our business shut down for a few months. I was bored. First of all, I needed something to do. And I was like, I can start sharing this message now that I have time. And that's what I started to do. Well,

That's when my idea sparked to write the book. Like, you know, that's a great way to share a message with other people. And this book is written in the form of like a daily devotional. Like it's meant to be read over 90 days, one day at a time, right? It's like a page, page and a half with at the end of every day, there's a challenge. There's a positive affirmation of the day and then a quote of the day. But day 36 is titled, You Matter. And the basic gist is,

I always say, I say this a lot, but I say you matter. Your life matters. And you were put here on purpose and for a purpose. And I try to share that little clip with anybody that I possibly can. So I'll say it again. You matter, your life matters. You were put here on purpose and for a purpose. And I wrote the book basically to help remind people of that every single day. No one is here by chance.

But too many people think they are. They think their life doesn't matter. They think they can't make a difference. They think they don't, they don't, they don't, I don't know, it's just sad to me. So I want to reach as many people as I possibly can. I know successful salespeople buy the book. There's all, you know, all kinds of successful people that like books like this. I wrote it for the people that are, that need it. Like they, this book is very good for beginners. You know, it's also good for people that have been.

into the positive mindset stuff for a long time, because it gives you, it's 90 days worth of habits. You know, that's a lot of habits. And, but I wrote it to help people change the way they think. Gosh, I love that. We need so many more people like that. For sure. I am enjoying this. Me and you, right? To get where we're at, like, you know, lots of people did write stuff that you and me were at and we listened to their podcast or we, you know.

whatever, follow them and they're kind of the ones that got us to where we are today too, where you're confident enough to start a podcast of your own, to spread your own message of joy, which I think is very admirable too, by the way. Well, thank you very much. It's been fun. So I've, you've enjoyed it for sure. Well, I think that's super admirable just to really think about the people who need it. You know, I mean, it goes to so many different audiences.

And I love that you have this focus. You're not leaving people out, but you just have this focus on you want the people who really need this to to do this. And it's super simple. It's a it's an easy read. I love everything I've read so far. I think I'm on like 18 day 18 or something. And I love how you have in there do this in the mirror. And I understand what that means. But do you want to share why you tell people to say that positive affirmation in the mirror?

Yes, 100% because first of all, we believe everything we tell ourselves. That's why we ultimately at the end of the day do truly become what we think about. If we're constantly thinking about negative things, our life's going down a bad path. If we're constantly thinking about positive things, our life is naturally going to go down that path. So when we're looking ourselves in the mirrors, you can't escape it. It's you, man. Those are your eyes beaming back at you. You are speaking to the one person that you can really impact and that is yourself.

and you are saying something in a positive way about you or about what you want in your life. Like this month, every single day, I have four affirmations I'm using, I'll just share a couple of them. I'm saying March, we are having a huge March and I'm speaking about my business, but I know that. So I look myself in the eye and I say, we are having a huge March. And by the way, we are having a huge March. We are. And it's just like things like that. Money comes freely and easily to me or money comes freely and easily to us.

I am a champion. I believe in myself, whatever it might be. You start believing it with repetition. The more you do it, the more you start to believe it. That is why I do believe at least from time to time, you should do it right in the mirror. Yeah, it makes a difference when you are looking at yourself, because then you do believe it. You're right. You can be really like, okay, yes, I believe this. I'm staring at myself. That's so great. I love the chapter on smile.

um smiles like one of my favorite things to do. You got a great smile you really do. My wife does too. She's just a great smiler. Some people just have that you know. Well thank you very much. I get very frustrated though when I'm walking down the street and I smile and say hi to somebody and they don't smile back. So like no I'm supposed to smile but I don't know what's going on in their lives at that point so you know I'm giving them grace but a smile is powerful. I am a teacher and I teach my fourth graders every week we write. I have this kindness quote deck.

And we write a kindness quote on the board every week and we talk about it and they practice doing stuff and we share, you know, just simple things like that. Those are random acts of kindness, which includes smiling. And we talk about how does that when you do that and someone smiles back, like what is that feeling? Like when I do it, I feel like this burst of joy in my heart, like I literally do. And I just want them to start kind of being intuitive about what they're feeling when they do these kinds of things for people or people do it for them. But

That's just a simple thing to do all the time and it can really bring a lot of joy. For sure. It's funny that you say that because you are a teacher and you said the world needs more people like me to write a book like that and care more about people. The world needs more people like that on their board every week and teach those kids because the kids, if we could get to these kids before they start developing any kind of, if we could literally just get to them when they're young, it makes such a big difference. It makes a huge difference. So it's been really fun to have the conversations with them and-

just having them start to be aware of kind of the kindness things that they're doing and people are doing to them. That's super great that you're doing that. Yes, thank you. It's been fun. Why don't you tell us maybe you mentioned this a little bit, but tell us where people could find your book and where they can find you and. So for right now, the book is only being sold on Amazon. I did self publish it. I am working with a publisher right now. So I would say within a year it'll be available in other places, possibly on some bookshelves.

in other bookstores for sure, at least online. But that's not completely done yet. So for right now, if you wanna copy this book, you just go to Amazon. It's called The Power of a Positive Mindset. And as far as social media goes, that's the other place you can find me. It's Jason Wolber's Motivation. It's my name, Jason Wolber's Motivation. And that's pretty much anything. I mean, I have Twitter and I have LinkedIn and stuff like that too. I don't use all of them. I find that very taxing.

So I stick with Facebook, Instagram, and mostly TikTok. So that's, if you really want to see new content, go to Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, Jason Wolber's motivation on all three of them. Perfect. And I will put all those links just in the show notes to those and to the book. Okay, is there one last thing you want to leave the listeners with? Yes. I said it before, I'll say it again. I say it to...

Everyone that will ever listen to me. I'll say it as we but we become what we think about Be careful what you're thinking about That's it. I love it. That's so powerful, especially for our young our young generation Because there's a lot of negative thoughts about cells. So very powerful. Thank you so much this is so enlightening and I love listening to what you do and

how you incorporate all this and all the impact you're putting out there for everybody. So thank you for everything you're doing and being willing to chat with me and share. You're welcome. And thanks for having me and thanks for everything that you're doing too. I mean, the world needs more teachers that are going into the schools and teaching children principles like joy, like happiness. I mean, that's super, that's huge. You're probably making this huge impact on some of these lives and you're probably gonna have students coming back to you for years.

years to come telling you that, hey, you made an impact on my life in fourth grade. Well, I hope so. So thank you. Yeah, it will happen. It will. Thank you. Okay. You have a great rest of your day. Thank you, Jason. You too, Lauren. Thank you. Well, I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Jason. I learned so much from him and it's so inspirational. He's really out there trying to bring value to as many people as he can to let them know that they matter and

they can have a joyful life and a positive life, no matter what is happening in their life. I definitely took a lot away from everything that he said, and I resonated with so much. A lot of what he talked about is stuff that I like to practice, such as the gratitude, which is huge, and smiling, which is awesome, and affirmations, oh my gosh. They really make a huge difference, and I'm so glad he brought that up, because I really...

need to get better at doing my morning affirmations and my nighttime affirmations. I've gotten away from it and sometimes it just takes a reminder like a conversation with Jason or somebody else to kind of kick you in the butt and get you going again on them. It really makes a difference on starting your day in such a positive note and ending your day in a positive note no matter what has happened. I believe it allows you to just kind of release the day.

and get a good night's sleep relaxed and having your mind thinking positively all through the night. Don't forget to check out all of Jason's links to his social media where you can find him and his book in the show notes and we would love to hear from you on what you took value of. You can email me at lauren at You can find me on Facebook, Lauren Goldman-Raymond or Instagram,

what you took value from in this episode, and I know Jason would love to hear that too. So please, please, please share, and I am outta here. Did you enjoy your time with us today? If you did, please give us a review on Apple Podcast. Your review will make navigating joy together much more fun, and we would be truly grateful if you would share this with others who you know would gain value from our podcast.

Thank you again and we look forward to sharing our next episode with you in two weeks.

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